#include <alloca.h>
void check(int* A, int pos, int* fibN, int fibN_length, int cnt, int* min, int N)
//we perform one more jump in this check
//try the largest jump as possible.
int fibIdx = fibN_length - 1;
int fib;
//check if the frog can arrive the other bank by the next jump.
while(fibIdx > 1){
fib = fibN[fibIdx];
//the forg reached to the other bank. this route is over.
if (pos + fib == N){
//update the min
*min = cnt < *min ? cnt : *min;
else if (pos + fib < N){
//now we seek for the smaller jumps can be used to investigate other routes.
while(fibIdx > 1){
fib = fibN[fibIdx];
//try recursion, if there is any leaf there.
if (A[pos + fib] == 1){
check(A, pos + fib, fibN, fibN_length, cnt, min, N);
int solution(int A[], int N)
//for N = 0, 1, 2, the distance to jump from `-1' (the origin)
//can be 1, 2, 3. then we know these a fibonacci number.
if (N <= 2){
return 1;
//we now N <= 100,000. Since fib(25) == 75025, fib(26) = 121393,
//we only have to generate 25 fibonacci numbers.
int fibN_length = 26;
int* fibN = (int*)alloca(fibN_length * sizeof(int));
fibN[0] = 0;
fibN[1] = 1;
int i = 2;
while (i < fibN_length){
fibN[i] = fibN[i - 1] + fibN[i - 2];
//if one jump is enough, we can simply return here.
if (fibN[i] == N + 1){
return 1;
int min = 0x7FFFFFFF;
check(A, -1, fibN, fibN_length, 0, &min, N);
return min == 0x7FFFFFFF ? -1 : min;

#include <alloca.h>
void check(int* A, int pos, int* fibN, int fibN_length, int cnt, int* min, int N)
//we perform one more jump in this check
//we will have one more jump later in this code.
//so if cnt is already min, we don't have any smaller number
//of jumps in this route.
if (cnt >= *min){
//try the largest jump as possible.
int fibIdx = fibN_length - 1;
int fib;
//check if the frog can arrive the other bank by the next jump.
while(fibIdx > 1){
fib = fibN[fibIdx];
//the forg reached to the other bank. this route is over.
if (pos + fib == N){
//update the min. As we checked cnt < *min already,
//cnt is always smaller than *min here.
*min = cnt;
else if (pos + fib < N){
//now we seek for the smaller jumps can be used to investigate other routes.
while(fibIdx > 1){
fib = fibN[fibIdx];
//try recursion, if there is any leaf there.
if (A[pos + fib] == 1){
check(A, pos + fib, fibN, fibN_length, cnt, min, N);
int solution(int A[], int N)
//for N = 0, 1, 2, the distance to jump from `-1' (the origin)
//can be 1, 2, 3. then we know these a fibonacci number.
if (N <= 2){
return 1;
//we now N <= 100,000. Since fib(25) == 75025, fib(26) = 121393,
//we only have to generate 25 fibonacci numbers.
int fibN_length = 26;
int* fibN = (int*)alloca(fibN_length * sizeof(int));
fibN[0] = 0;
fibN[1] = 1;
int i = 2;
while (i < fibN_length){
fibN[i] = fibN[i - 1] + fibN[i - 2];
//if one jump is enough, we can simply return here.
if (fibN[i] == N + 1){
return 1;
int min = 0x7FFFFFFF;
check(A, -1, fibN, fibN_length, 0, &min, N);
return min == 0x7FFFFFFF ? -1 : min;
配列reachedを用意し、それぞれの位置にくるまでに必要だった最小のジャンプの数を対応する各々の位置に記憶することにしましょう。reached[i]にはiの位置にくるために必要な最小のジャンプ回数が記録されている訳ですから、次のジャンプはreached[i] + 1回目のジャンプであると考えてしまえばいいのです。
#include <alloca.h>
#include <memory.h>
int solution(int A[], int N)
//for N = 0, 1, 2, the distance to jump from `-1' (the origin)
//can be 1, 2, 3. then we know these a fibonacci number.
if (N <= 2){
return 1;
//each reached[i] cell remembers the minimum jumps made to reach there so far.
int reached_size = sizeof(int) * N;
int* reached = (int*)alloca(reached_size);
memset(reached, 0x00, reached_size);
//these two cells can be reached when there are leaves there.
//since 0 and 1 can be reached by the first jump, we only care if
//there is a leaf or not.
reached[0] = A[0];
reached[1] = A[1];
//we now N <= 100,000. Since fib(25) == 75025, fib(26) = 121393,
//we only have to generate 25 fibonacci numbers.
int fibN_length = 26;
int* fibN = (int*)alloca(fibN_length * sizeof(int));
fibN[0] = 0;
fibN[1] = 1;
int i = 2;
while (i < fibN_length){
fibN[i] = fibN[i - 1] + fibN[i - 2];
//if one jump is enough, we can simply return here.
if (fibN[i] - 1 == N){
return 1;
//we also mark the position that can be reached by the first jump.
if (fibN[i] - 1 < N && A[fibN[i] - 1] == 1){
reached[fibN[i] - 1] = 1;
//let's check each cell
int min = 0x7FFFFFFF;
for (i = 0; i < N; i++){
//if the cell is not reachable, we can neglect it.
if (reached[i] == 0){
int min_jumps_to_here = reached[i];
int j;
for (j = 2; j < fibN_length; j++){
int next_pos = i + fibN[j];
//if we can reach the other bank (the position N),
// update min if necessary.
if (next_pos == N){
min = min_jumps_to_here + 1 < min ? min_jumps_to_here + 1 : min;
//if the next jump is too large, or there is no leaf there,
//we can neglect this jump.
if (next_pos > N || A[next_pos] == 0){
//if we have never reached to the next position before, or we can reach
//the next position with less jumps, update the min number of jumps
// at the position.
if (reached[next_pos] == 0 ||
reached[next_pos] > min_jumps_to_here + 1){
reached[next_pos] = min_jumps_to_here + 1;
return min == 0x7FFFFFFF ? -1 : min;
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